Pop-Up Webinar
Appreciative Advising in the COVID-19 Era:
How to Optimize Virtual Student Interactions
Director of Student Affairs:
The Patton College of Education:
Ohio University
March 18, 2020
Noon (EDT)
View recorded webinar below.
In response to COVID-19, colleges and universities are transitioning to fully online coursework and distance support services. This can create heightened stress for professionals not familiar with various forms of technology platforms. In this session, participants will gain an understanding of how to implement Appreciative Advising in a virtual format and will be provided with step-by-step directions of the most popular virtual platforms to take advising conversations into the digital world. Platforms include; Microsoft Teams, GroupMe, iMessage, and Zoom
As a self-sustaining auxiliary unit, the Office of Appreciative Education is committing to bringing affordable, quality resources to support our Appreciative Education community during this unprecedented time. If your institution has experienced a budget freeze and you are interested in accessing resources and/or if you have ideas about future topics you would like to see covered, please contact us at oae@tiesb2b.com. Additionally, you may find additional professional development offerings at 06o.tiesb2b.com/oae .
If you need a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact Jill Rosen at jrosen58@tiesb2b.com or TTY Relay Station 1-800-955-8770. Please make your needs known as soon as possible for effective accommodations, preferably 5 days before this event.